Friday 21/9/2007
The day i went out and break fast with my friends.
the first place we ahead at city hall.
we called it "siti punye hall" lols.
after city hall we ahead to habourfront and went to VIVO city.
we were sitting and we look at this OSIM shop or whatever it called la.
My friend was thinking that if the shop was OSAM, it will be wonderful.
he change the sim to his name.
OSAM shop sell all kind of thing.
if like real lah. lols
whenever his friend ask him
"where did you buy your shoes or something esle?"
he would to reply this " OSAM"
his friend would to reply this " seriously where?'
he reply "OSAM'
his friend reply " where lah ?"
he would reply the same thing until his friend knew about it.
hahaha. lame sia.
Its time to break fast.
we break fast at hobourfront Macdonald.
and meet our friend there.
after eating we take bus 65 to orchard.
we hangout there.
and its time to go geylang.
geylang was the tired place we went to on that day.
too many people seyy.
damn hot and damn tired.
after geylang we went back home lah
mane lagi nak pergi kan.
saturday 22/9/2007
i went to play soccer with my friends
fasting month and yet we still play soccer.
tired, tired,tired and damn tired.
then went home and i did the wash up before breaking fast.
after breaking fast, i went to giant with my friends.
we going to make new jersey seyy for our team
which one seyy the new jersey
it will be No. 3
i think so.
sunday 23/9/2007
normal and boring day.
Monday 24/9/2007
More study going on at school.
its was okay lah.
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